Melatonin Profile


Melatonin is a hormone that also acts as a neurotransmitter. It is synthesised in the pineal gland in our brain and is converted from serotonin, also known as the hormone of happiness.

However, when we are stressed or overworked we exhibit high levels of cortisol – our stress hormone – which in turn lowers our levels of melatonin. This is why many people nowadays have trouble sleeping.

This test can indicate how your melatonin levels change throughout the day and whether there is a problem with the production of this vital hormone.

This package includes :

  • A test kit for self collection
  • Laboratory report 


Many people are familiar with melatonin because of its influence on sleep. Healthy melatonin levels positively influence the initiation and maintenance of quality sleep cycles. In contrast, disruptions in melatonin curves may clinically present as disordered sleep patterns.

Although it’s most well-known for its association with sleep, melatonin holds many other clinically relevant roles. It is a potent antioxidant found in almost every cell in the body! It stimulates the immune function and decreased levels are often connected with cancer and diseases of the central nervous system.

Melatonin may also aid in weight loss and mood support, and has been shown to exhibit anti-ageing potential. In addition, studies have shown that its antioxidant activity may be protective to the ovaries, improving ovulation cycles.

This is why testing your melatonin curve patterns can help indicate not only why you may have trouble sleeping, but also give more information about what other issues may arise if the levels are low.

You will be sent a test kit for self collection (saliva collection)

  1. Avoid all nuts, fruits, fruit juice, wine and rice for 2 days before and during collection.
  2. Do not take any supplements until after you have collected all four samples. 
  3. First saliva collection must be 30 minutes after awakening. Set a timer if necessary.
  4. Do not eat or drink anything 1 hour prior to saliva collection.
  5. Do not brush, floss, or have dental work done 30 minutes prior to saliva collection.
  6. Do not consume food or drinks that contain caffeine. 
  7. Before each saliva collection, wash your hands and rinse tour mouth with water, then wait 10 minutes to collect your saliva sample in order to avoid dilution. 
  8. Do not use anti-ageing creams prior to sample taking.
  9. Please read instructions sheet in the test kit regarding the use of topical, sublingual, oral and injectable use of hormone therapy, as well as cortisol/glucocorticoid supplementation use.
  10. If taking melatonin supplementation last dose should be at least 36 hours before saliva sample collection.
  11. Please read instructions sheet in test kit regarding menstrual cycles, menopause and hormonal IUDs etc. as to when it is most appropriate to collect sample then.