Brain Energy


This drip aims to support your cognitive function, focus, and improve overall mood by stimulating the power centre of your brain cells.
Our brain cells get their energy to function properly with the help of a little specialised structure inside of them called the mitochondria. This little powerhouse structure of the cell is very important, especially for the function of your brain neurones. By helping its function this drip will improve your memory, mood and overall brain function.

Number Of People

This cocktail contains vitamin C, glutathione essential amino acids, minerals and vitamin Bs which provide an array of benefits. When put together in one IV, this coalition of brain protecting and  boosting nutrients have the power to enhance your focus, improve your memory, and boost your energy.
Main benefits of the therapy include:

  • Increased energy production in the cells 
  • Support of cardiac, skeletal muscle, and brain cell mitochondrial biogenesis
  • Prevention from oxidative damage
  • Cellular detoxification in brain cells
  • Enhanced physical and mental endurance
  • Helps with bile acid conjugation, membrane stabilisation, inhibitory neurotransmission (think anti-anxiety) and Nero-protection.

Key Ingredients

L-Ascorbic acid, Glutathione, Taurine, Glycine, L-lysine, L-carnitine, L-carnosine, Magnesium, Pyridoxine (B6), Nicotinamide(B3), Thiamine (B1), D-Panthenol (analog B5), Riboflavin (B2), Methylcobalamin (B12);

At Optimise Health we believe that the patients needs should always come first. That is why we make sure we can offer our patients a wide variety of over 120 different ingredients, and create customised protocols and intravenous therapies, specifically tailored to a patients individual needs. In order to provide excellent medical care we use only the highest quality of botanical isolates, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and  antioxidants.

Our approach is centred around customisation, which means our doctors create bespoke intravenous combinations that can also include medications for pain, antinausea, antivirals alongside nootropics, longevity molecules and polyphenols . Furthermore the dosages vary depending on the patient and their health state. 

We are firm believers that functional medicine is about looking at the patient as a whole, including amending lifestyle and dietary habits in combination with health optimisation guidelines and individualised protocols.

Subject to consultation.

Intravenous administration. Diluted in 0.9% NaCl solution.

Please ensure that you drink plenty of water. Being hydrated is essential to a smooth procedure.

Duration procedure: around  30- 45 minutes